Dragonlance Index

Dragonlance Index je katalog zvláštních ras, povolání, odborností, magických předmětů, kouzel a podobně ze všech D20 produktů Wizards of the Coast, Sovereign Press a Margaret Weiss Production. Tento dokument je zamýšlen jako rychlý přehled jak pro hráče, tak i Vypravěče. Index bude opravován v závislosti na nových produktech.
Tabulku ponechávám v angličtině.
Poslední úprava: 20. 02. 2007
Autor: Trampas "Dragonhelm" Whiteham
Napsal Dalcor
Klíč příruček
Jméno příručky Zkratka
Dragonlance Campaign Setting DLCS
Age of Mortals AoM
Bestiary of Krynn BoK
Dragonlance.com DL.com
Holy Orders of the Stars HOotS
Key of Destiny KoD
Knightly Orders of Ansalon KOoA
Legends of the Twins LotT
Spectre of Sorrows SoS
Towers of High Sorcery ToHS
War of the Lance WotL


Následuje popis hratelných ras na Krynnu v jednotlivých příručkách.

Rasa Zdroj Stránka #
Centaur DLCS 32
Draconian, Baaz DLCS 33
Draconian, Bozak DL.com Link
Draconian, Kapak DLCS 36
Dwarf, Dark (Daegar, Theiwar) DLCS 14
Dwarf, Gully (Aghar) DLCS 14
Dwarf, Hill (Neidar) DLCS 13
Dwarf, Mountain (Daewar, Hylar, Klar) DLCS 13
Elf, Dargonesti DLCS 22
Elf, Dimernesti DLCS 22
Elf, Kagonesti DLCS 16
Elf, Qualinesti DLCS 18
Elf, Silvanesti DLCS 19
Gnome, Mad DLCS 27
Gnome, Tinker DLCS 25
Gnome, Wild SoS 168
Half-Elf DLCS 20
Half-Kender AoM 21
Half-Ogre DLCS 41
Human (Civilized) DLCS 9
Human (Nomad) DLCS 10
Irda DLCS 38
Kender DLCS 28
Kender, Afflicted DLCS 31
Minotaur DLCS 42
Ogre DLCS 39
Tarmak (Brute) AoM 10

Základní povolání

Následuje seznam základních povolání v produktech Dragonlance.

Základní povolání
Povolání Zdroj Stránka #
Armiger (noble substitution levels) KOoA 33
Mariner AoM 25
Mariner, revised LotT 13
Master WotL 21
Mystic DLCS 47
Noble DLCS 50

Prestižní povolání

Následuje seznam Prestižních povolání v produktech Dragonlance.

Prestižní povolání
Prestižní povolání Zdroj Stránka
Academy Sorcerer AoM 29
Adjudicator of the Code KOoA 100
Alluvial Oracle of Zivilyn HOotS 28
Ambient Tempest BoK 134
Austere Devotee of Majere HOotS 30
Blood Oath Archer KOoA 104
Branch of Zivilyn BoK 136
Bright Warden of Paladine HOotS 32
Child of Chemosh BoK 137
Chorister WotL 27
Citadel Guardian DL.com Link
Citadel Mystic AoM 30
Clerist (Knight of the Sword) KOoA 68
Coinsword of Shinare HOotS 34
Dark Dwarf Savant ToHS 26
Dark Pilgrim of Takhisis HOotS 36
Dragon Highlord WotL 30
Dragon Ravager BoK 139
Dragon Rider DLCS 77
Dreamshaper ToHS 28
Firebrand of Sirrion HOotS 38
Gnomish Tinker WotL 31
Goodfellow of Branchala HOotS 40
Griffon Wizard ToHS 29
Handler WotL 34
Healing Hand of Mishakal HOotS 42
Inquisitor DLCS 80
Kender Nightstalker AoM 32
Kingfisher (Wizard) KOoA 70
Knight of the Crown DLCS or KOoA 56 or 61
Citadel Guardian DL.com Link
Ergothian Cavalier DL.com Link
Knight of the Divine Hammer LotT or DL.com 16 or Link
Knight of the Lily DLCS 63
Knight of the Rose DLCS or KOoA 59 or 65
Knight of the Rose (Age of Despair Variant) WotL 26
Knight of the Skull DLCS 65
Knight of the Sword DLCS or KOoA 57 or 63
Knight of the Sword (Age of Despair Variant) WotL 26
Knight of the Thorn DLCS 66
Legendary Tactician DLCS 81
Legion Mystic AoM or KOoA 34 or 145
Legion Scout AoM or KOoA 36 or 152
Legion Sorcerer AoM or KOoA 37 or 149
Legion Warrior KOoA 143
Master Ambassador AoM 38
Mighty Anvil of Reorx HOotS 43
Minotaur Marauder WotL 34
Necrotheurge of Chemosh HOotS 45
Nomad Shaman AoM 40
Pagefinder of Gilean HOotS 47
Phoenix of Habbakuk HOotS 49
Plague Knight of Morgion HOotS 51
Renegade Hunter ToHS 32
Rigteous Cohort of Kiri-Jolith HOotS 54
Righteous Zealot DLCS 83
Rogue Knight AoM 43
Scourge of Chaos BoK 140
Sea Mage ToHS 33
Seawolf of Zeboim HOotS 55
Solamnic Auxiliary Mage AoM 45
Spell Broker ToHS 35
Spellfilch AoM 46
Steel Legionnaire DLCS 68
Soulbroker of Hiddukel HOotS 56
Sylvan Mage ToHS 36
Vision Partisan KOoA 108
War Mage AoM (Errata in ToHS) 48 (26)
Wild Fury of Chislev HOotS 58
Winternorn ToHS 39
Wizard of High Sorcery DLCS 71
Wizard of High Sorcery (revised) ToHS 22
Wrathful Avenger of Sargonnas HOotS 60


Následuje seznam Odborností v produktech Dragonlance.

Odbornost Zdroj Stránka
Academic Priest LotT 12
Acidic Blood DL.com Link
Alternate Form AoM or LotT or WotL 50 or 12 or 35
Astrological Forecasting LotT or WotL 12 or 36
Bull of the Sea WotL 36
Charming AoM or WotL or LotT or KOoA 50 or 36 or 12 or 34
Cornered Rat DLCS 85
Create Draconian WotL 36
Create Skull Totem AoM 209
Defensive Cleave KOoA 34
Disciplined AoM or WotL or LotT or KOoA 50 or 36 or 12 or 34
Draconian Breath Weapon DLCS 85
Draconian Flight DL.com Link
Draconic Metabolism DL.com Link
Draconic Vampirism AoM 209
Dynamic Priest LotT 12
Education AoM or WotL or LotT or KOoA 50 or 36 or 12 or 34
Enhanced Saliva DL.com Link
Expanded Aura of Courage KOoA 34
Extra Smiting KOoA 35
Flyby Breath DLCS 85
Greater Draconian Flight DL.com Link
Greater Enhanced Saliva DL.com Link
Greater Improvise Weapon WotL 35
Greater Shield Focus KOoA 35
Haggler AoM or LotT or WotL 50 or 12 or 36
Hardened Flesh DL.com Link
Heroic Surge AoM or WotL or LotT or KOoA 50 or 36 or 12 or 35
Honor-Bound DLCS 86
Horned Stampede AoM 50
Hulking Brute DLCS 86
Iconic Invocation KOoA 35
Improved Acidic Blood DL.com Link
Improved Draconian Breath Weapon DLCS 86
Improved Favor KOoA 35
Improved Gallop DL.com Link
Improved Glide DL.com Link
Improved Hardened Flesh DL.com Link
Improved Leech Item AoM 55
Improved Resist Dragonfear DLCS 86
Improved Taunt AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Improvise Masterwork Item WotL 37
Improvise Weapon WotL 37
Intimidating Charge KOoA 35
Leech Item AoM 55
Lucky AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Mighty Steed BoK or KOoA 36 or 35
Mimic AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Quick Leech AoM 56
Quick-Thinking AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Reserves of Strength DLCS 86
Resist Dragonfear DLCS 86
Sharp-Eyed AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Shield Focus KOoA 35
Shield Wall KOoA 35
Spear of Doom DLCS 87
Spectacular Death Throes DLCS 87
Spellcasting Prodigy AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Strafing Breath DLCS 87
Street Smart AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Stubborn AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Tremendous Charge DLCS 87
Trustworthy AoM or LotT or WotL 51 or 13 or 37
Undead Battery AoM 209

Charakterové rysy

Následují Charakterové rysy z produktů Dragonlance

Charakterové rysy
Rys Zdroj Stránka
Abrasive LotT 7
Absent Minded LotT 7
Aggressive LotT 8
Brawler LotT 8
Cautious LotT 8
Delicate LotT 8
Detached LotT 8
Dishonest LotT 8
Easygoing LotT 8
Farsighted LotT 8
Focused LotT 8
Hard of Hearing LotT 9
Hardy LotT 9
Honest LotT 9
Illiterate LotT 9
Moonstruck LotT 8
Musclebound LotT 9
Nearsighted LotT 9
Nervous LotT 9
Passionate LotT 9
Pious LotT 10
Plucky LotT 10
Polite LotT 10
Quick LotT 10
Reckless LotT 10
Relentless LotT 10
Saddleborn LotT 10
Skinny LotT 10
Slippery LotT 10
Slow LotT 10
Specialized LotT 11
Stout LotT 11
Suspicious LotT 11
Torpid LotT 11
Uncivilized LotT 11


Následuje seznam Domén z produktů Dragonlance.

Doména Zdroj Stránka
Alteration DLCS 102
Channeling AoM 66
Charm HOotS 81
Commerce HOotS 81
Community DLCS 102
Forge DLCS 102
Insight DLCS 102
Liberation DLCS 103
Madness HOotS 81
Meditation DLCS 103
Mentalism DLCS 103
Necromancy DLCS 103
Nobility HOotS 81
Passion DLCS 103
Pestilence DLCS 103
Planning HOotS 81
Restoration DLCS 104
Rune HOotS 81
Sensitivity AoM 66[/ed]
Spiritualism DL.com Link
Storm DLCS 104
Time HOotS 82
Treachery DLCS 104
Tyranny HOotS or KOoA 82 or 102
Undeath HOotS or KOoA 82 or 102


Následuje seznam kouzel z produktů Dragonlance.

Název kouzla Zdroj Stránka#
Arcane Eye, Greater ToHS 42
Arcane Staff ToHS 44
Arcane Staff, Greater ToHS 44
Arcane Staff, Lesser ToHS 44
Awaken the Mind ToHS 44
Barrier of Deflection WotL 45
Bestow Greater Curse DLCS 104
Billim's Bifrost Bridge DLCS 105
Bind Spirit AoM 66
Blunted Blades HOotS 63
Call Undead I AoM 67
Call Undead II AoM 68
Call Undead III AoM 68
Call Undead IV AoM 68
Call Undead V AoM 68
Call Undead VI AoM 68
Call Undead VII AoM 69
Call Undead VIII AoM 69
Call Undead IX AoM 69
Capsizing Waters HOotS 68
Chitinskin WotL 45
Clarity of Mind HOotS 63
Cleaning ToHS 45
Communal Channel HOotS 66
Confluence LotT 24
Consensus ToHS 45
Corrupt Nature HOotS 68
Crackling Sphere DLCS 105
Curse the Magi ToHS 45
Dalamar's Lightning Lance DLCS 105
Deep Freeze DLCS 106
Detect Dragon WotL 45
Detect Familiar ToHS 46
Diamond Body AoM 69
Disarm ToHS 46
Disjoin DLCS 106
Displace Memory ToHS 46
Divine Retribution DLCS 106
Dragon's Blood AoM 69
Dragonbane AoM 70
Dragonwise HOotS 66
Drown DLCS 107
Earthen Shield DLCS 107
Electrical Storm DLCS 107
Elemental Blade WotL 46
Elemental Dart DLCS 108
Emotional Brew AoM 70
Energy Barrier KoD 156
Ensnare the Heart AoM 71
Errant Heart HOotS 69
Eternal Repose AoM 71
Ethereal Flame AoM 71
Falling Feathers WotL 47
False Vision HOotS 69
Feign Life ToHS 46
Fistandantilus' Portal DLCS 108
Flamewave WotL 47
Fog of Fear AoM 71
Frozen Moment LotT 24
Giant's Guise ToHS 47
Greed AoM 72
Hardening DLCS 108
Hasten the Mind HOotS 70
Healing Hand WotL 47
Historic Vision LotT 24
Huma's Legacy HOotS 63
Immolation KoD 156
Insight of Yarus HOotS 64
Kiss of Night's Guardian ToHS 47
Life Transfer ToHS 47
Lifesight WotL 47
Magius's Light of Truth DLCS 109
Mindspin ToHS 48
Mindspin, Greater ToHS 48
Mindweb AoM 72
Mistshackles AoM 72
Noble Sacrifice HOotS 64
Otyugh Swarm DLCS 109
Palin's Pyre DLCS 110
Part Death's Shroud AoM 73
Past Seeing LotT 25
Plague of Rats DLCS 110
Radiant Dart WotL 47
Raistlin's Wheel of Flame ToHS 49
Reshape Metal AoM 73
Restore Nature HOotS 65
Reveal the True Form AoM 73
Reverse Death ToHS 49
Righteous Armor HOotS 66
River's Ravages LotT 25
River's Ravages, Greater LotT 25
River's Ravaging Flood LotT 25
River Watch LotT 26
Rotting Grasp WotL 48
Scourge DLCS 110
Second Life AoM 73
Seething Blood HOotS 70
Shape of the Beasts ToHS 49
Share Animal's Mind DLCS 111
Share Sight WotL 48
Shocking Spark DLCS 111
Shroud from Sight WotL 49
Slow the River HOotS 65
Smite Heretic HOotS 66
Song of Day's Clarity ToHS 50
Spark Shield DLCS 111
Spear of Divine Might AoM 74
Spear of Divine Wrath AoM 74
Spirit Walk DLCS 112
Spiritual Horde AoM 75
Spiritual Weapon AoM 75
Spiritward AoM 76
Stirge Swarm AoM 76
Stone Guardian ToHS 50
Stone Shards DLCS 112
Stone Tentacles WotL 49
Stonesight AoM 76
Storm Wall DLCS 112
Suppress Magic ToHS 50
Talons DLCS 112
Tear of Veil's Passing LotT 156
Temporal Shield LotT 26
Temporal Sphere LotT 26
Temporal Sphere, Mobile LotT 26
Temporal Sphere, Selective LotT 26
Timeheal LotT or ToHS 27 or 50
Timeless Slumber HOotS 67
Timereaver LotT or ToHS 27 or 50
Touch of Agony WotL 49
Touch of Guiding Light ToHS 52
Touch of Weakness WotL 50
Trace Magic AoM 76
Traitor's Death WotL 50
Transfer Essence ToHS 52
Travel the Paths of the Mind ToHS 52
Truth-Testing ToHS 53
Unbinding DLCS 113
Untiring Form HOotS 67
Virtue Manifest HOotS 68
Vision of Dusk's Eye ToHS 53
Whisper of Dawn's Song ToHS 53
Withering Death HOotS 70
Zone of Air KoD 157

Magické předměty a artefakty

Následuje seznam magických předmětů a artefakrů Dragonlance.

Magické předměty a artifakty
Magický předmět Zdroj Stránka
Abyssal Lance (Darklance) AoM 77
Altar of Hiddukel HOotS 73
Altar of Takhisis LotT 144
Astrolabe of Quantifiable Foresight LotT 28
Axe of Brotherhood LotT 74
Banner of Chaos KOoA 36
Banner of Virtue KOoA 36
Black Shards WotL 319
Blade of Betrayal (Dagger of Death's Embrace) KoD 157
Blue Crystal Staff DLCS or WotL 255 or 56
Bracelet of Foresight ToHS 54
Bracelet of Protection ToHS 54
Bracelet of Magic Resistance ToHS 54
Bracelets of Alluvial Stability LotT 28
Bracers of Majere HOotS 70
Bracers of River Defense LotT 28
Bracers of Solinari ToHS 59
Brightblade WotL 51
Brightblade, broken hilt LotT 124
Brooch of Imog WotL 50
Censor of Eternal Flame AoM 151
Charm of Animal Transformation ToHS or DoA 55 or 82
Cloak of Chislev HOotS 71
Cloak of Night ToHS 55
Collar of Hounds AoM 79
Crown of Power WotL 57
Dagger of Magius DLCS or LotT 90 or 84
Dagger of Righteous Vengeance LotT 120
Device of Time Journeying AoM or LotT 80 or 29
Disks of Mishakal DLCS or WotL 255 or 57
Diviner of Life KoD or WotL 157 or 51
Dragon Orbs ToHS 59
Dragonlance (Footman's) DLCS 114
Dragonlance (Mounted) WotL 59
Dragonlance of Huma SoS 168
Dragonpurge Amulet SoS 169
Ebonbane HOotS or LotT 73 or 98
Emperor's Aspergillum HOotS 71
Encyclopedia of Magical Devices ToHS 61
Eye of the Winding Paths HOotS 71
Eyes of the Historian LotT 28
Eyes of the River LotT 28
Feather Whistle KoD 158
Flames of the Storm AoM 166
Flute of Wind Dancing WotL 51
Frostreaver DLCS 11
Gauntlet of Ventyr ToHS 61
Ghost Blade DLCS 288
Giantsmiter KOoA 77
Glaive of Grimwulf AoM 78
Glasses of Arcanist DLCS or WotL 152 or 52
Globe of Present Time Passing LotT 30
Globe of Revealing Light ToHS 55
Gloves of Magic ToHS 55
Gloves of Miscasting ToHS 55
Godcage LotT 98
Golden Circlet WotL 52
Golden Ring of Healing ToHS 55
Great Sword of Drakmattha LotT 145
Gully Dwarf's Emerald ToHS 56
Hammer of Darkness LotT 144
Hammer of Honor (Hammer of Kharas) DLCS or LotT or WotL 270 or 72 or 58
Hellfire Lash KoD 158
Helm of Grallen DoA 123
Helm of Griffon's Mane WotL 53
Helm of Prescience LotT 28
Helm of the Titans AoM 79
Heruscarp LotT 71
Horn of Chemosh HOotS 71
Huma's Lance KoD 157
Ice Razor LotT 123 or 146
Icon of Truth WotL 53
Iconochronos WotL 58
Iron Nail of Iteration LotT or SoS 28 or 169
Justin's Icon of Truth WotL 319
Kani Doll Charms BoK 84
Kelp Cord HOotS 72
Kender Spoon of Turning HOotS 74
Key of Quinari DLCS or SoS 283 or 169
Kingsword WotL 60
Lantern of Artistry HOotS 72
Lifecrafter HOotS 75
Lost Star AoM 77
Mantooth (Darkstar, Magefool, Magekiller, Spellcleaver) ToHS 62
Medallion of Faith DLCS 46
Medallion of Faith, Specialty HOotS 72
Medallion of the One God AoM 198
Message Bottle ToHS 56
Miceram, the Crown of Power HOotS or LotT 75 or 57
Mina's Kiss AoM 80
Nightbringer WotL 53
Nightjewel DLCS 91
Nuitari's Shroud ToHS 63
Orbs of the Moons WotL 319
Pendant of Tongues ToHS 56
Pinion of Equestrian Prowess KOoA 36
Plaguedust HOotS 72
Plate of Solamnus WotL 60
Portal to the Abyss ToHS 63
Rabbitslayer DLCS or LotT or WotL 152 or 87 or 53
Ring of Grace KoD 159
Ring of Heart's Path KoD 159
Ring of High Sorcery ToHS 56
Ring of Projection ToHS 56
Ring of Temporal Health LotT 29
Ring of Whispers ToHS 57
River's Dagger LotT 29
Road Block AoM 79
Robe of Shadows AoM 123
Robes of High Sorcery ToHS 57
Rod of Destruction ToHS 57
Rose of Sorrow ToHS 57
Saddle of Light Burdens KOoA 36
Sand of Impedence LotT 29
Satchel Squire KOoA 36
Scabbard of Parrying KOoA 36
Scroll of Stellar Path ToHS 58
Shard of Light KoD or SoS 159 or 169
Sheath of Concealment ToHS 56
Shield of Breath Absorption HOotS 72
Shield of Lunitari ToHS 64
Shroud of Takhisis HOotS 76
Silver Arm of Ergoth WotL 60
Singing Statue WotL 54
Skull Totem AoM 209
Spurs of Mount Healing KOoA 36
Staff of Bones KoD 160
Staff of High Sorcery ToHS 58
Staff of Magius DLCS or LotT 90 or (84 or 163)
Starjewel WotL 54
Statue of E'li DLCS 288
Sword of Friendship LotT 74
Sword of Tears AoM 80
Tabard of Cauterization KOoA 36
Tabard of the Healer KOoA 36
Tapestry of Time LotT 31
Tears of Mishakal SoS 170
Thieves' Bane Pouch ToHS 59
Time Candles LotT 29
Tome of Lunitari ToHS 64
Tome of Nuitari ToHS 64
Tome of Solinari ToHS 65
Wand of Corruption LotT 144
Warbringer LotT 75 or 85
Webnet WotL 55
Wyrmsbane (Redeemer) DLCS or LotT or WotL 166 or 48 or 55
Wyrdknife LotT 109
Wyrmslayer DLCS or WotL or DoA 166 or 55 or 79
"This item has been published here with permission from the Dragonlance Nexus and/or author(s), and may not be reproduced without permission. This is a fan submission and its contents are completely unofficial. Some characters, places, likenesses and other names may be copyright Wizards of the Coast.

Tento článek byl publikován s povolením Dragonlance Nexus a/nebo autora a nesmí být reprodukován bez povolení. Jedná se o neoficiální fanouškovský příspěvek. Některé postavy, místa a podobně však mohou být chráněny právy Wizards of the Coast."
Napsal Dalcor 21.02.2007
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